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Le Trousseau de la Reine de Mai, Marie-José de Savoie
Hubert de Givenchy,
Marie-Gabrielle of Savoy
Mona Bismarck Foundation,
Paris - 2009
ISBN 978-213206-05-2
Catalogue for the exhibition that took place from October 7th to December 12th 2009 at the Mona Bismarck Foundation in Paris, of historical costumes, coats and ceremonial evening gowns that tell the story of Queen Marie-José of Italy (1906-2001).
Catalogue de l'exposition Le trousseau de la Reine de Mai, Marie-Jose de Savoie
Manti Regali a Corte
Daniela Piazza Editore,
Torino - 2008
ISBN 978-88-7889-215-6
Catalogue for the exhibition that took place in Torino from July 1st to November 2d, 2008, of the court gowns of Queen Marie-José of Italy in 1930-40. The queen was an unconventional and exuberant character and this exhibition traces the way she knew how to wear a resolutely modern style in the ceremonial of the court.
Catalogue de l'exposition manti Regali a Corte
Jewellery of the House of Savoy
Marie-Gabrielle of Savoy,
Stefano Papi - Préface de Michel de Grèce
Mondadori Electa Spa,
Milano - 2007
ISBN 978-88-370-5241-6
1ère edition 2002.
Thejewels that have accompanied the various queens of the Kingdom of Italy.
Livre sur les bijoux de la maison de Savoie
Pallazo Reale com'era...
Cesare Enrico Bertana
Associazione "Amici di Palazzo Reale",
Torino - 2002
Book of photographs of the Royal Palace of Torino in the early twentieth century.
Livre de photographies sur le Palais Royal d'Italie
Charles-Albert de Savoie, Albertville - Chambéry
Coordiantor: André Palluel-Guillard
Catalogue for the exhibition organised by the city of Albertville on the occasion of the 1992 Winter Olympic Games, from the collections of the Foundation Humbert II and Marie-José of Savoy.
Exposition Charles-Albert de Savoie
Victor-Emmanuel III Photographe
Foundation Humbert II and Marie-José of Savoy
Editions France-Empire - Paris 1992.
ISBN 2-7048-0707-8
Catalogue for the exhibition that took place from November 5th to 21st 1992 in the Town Hall of the XVI arrondissement of Paris on the occasion of the event "Le mois de la Photo", about albums of the history of the Great War told in pictures by a soldier-king to his young son.
Catalogue Victor-Emmanuel II Photographe
Les manuscrits enluminés des comtes et ducs de Savoie
Agostino Paravicini Bagliani - Introduction Enrico Castelnuovo
Umberto Allemandi,
Turin - 1990
This publication dedicated to the illuminated books of the House of Savoy presently dispersed in several libraries, pieces together the image of the artistic and literary Savoyard culture in the Middle-Ages. It has 64 colour plates and 42 black and white illustrations.
Catalogue des livres imprimés
Victor Eskenasy under the direction of Agostino Paravicini Bagliani
Umberto Allemandi,
Turin - 1989
2ème Ed. Industria Grafica Editoriale Pozzo Gros-Monti
Moncalieri (Torino) 1989
ISBN 88 422 0226 6
First catalogue of the printed book collection of the Humbert II and Marie-José of Savoy Foundation, formed around the nucleus of late King Humbert II’s library.
Catalogue des livres imprimés de la Fondation Humbert II et Marie-José de Savoie
La maison de Savoie - Amédée VIII, le Duc qui devint Pape.
Tomes II et III
Marie-José -
Preface of Daniel-Rops of the Académie française
Albin Michel,
Paris - 1962
Ristampa Anastatica Presso La Tipographia della Pace,
Roma - 1997
819 pages, 8 maps one of which folded, many inset genealogical tables and illustrations.
maison de Savoie - Amedee VIII - Tomes II et III
La maison de Savoie - Les origines. - Le Comte Vert. - Le Comte Rouge.
Tome I
Marie-José -
Preface of Benedetto Croce
Albin Michel,
Paris - 1956
Ristampa Anastatica Umberto Allemandi,
Turin - 1989
ISBN 88-422-0195-2
425 pages, 1 folded map, many inset genealogical tables and plates, important bibliography, index.
La maison de Savoie - Les origines. - Le Comte Vert. - Le Comte Rouge. Tome I
La maison de Savoie à Nice (1388-1860)
Nice Action Culturelle Municipale
Presses des Arts Graphiques,
Nice - 1988
ISBN 2-901412-23
Catalogue for the exhibition that took place for the sixth centennial of the retractation of Nice in the Palais Lascaris from September 28th to December 11th 1988.
La maison de Savoie à Nice (1388-1860)


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